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A lightweight JavaScript library that lets you explore styling pseudo-classes directly within your element’s attributes, providing an intuitive and experimental approach to CSS customisation.

Ever imagined styling an element’s hover state inline, without juggling external stylesheets? inline_pseudo is a playful experiment that explores this concept, allowing you to define pseudo-class styles directly within your elements’ attributes. It’s designed for exploration and learning, not necessarily for production environments.

Key Features:



While inline_pseudo offers an interesting way to play with CSS, it’s essential to acknowledge its limitations:


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install


  1. Include the dist/inline_pseudo.min.js file at the top of your HTML body:
    <script src="dist/inline_pseudo.min.js"></script>
  1. Apply style attributes with colon-separated pseudo-class styles to your elements:
<button style:hover="color: blue;">Click me</button>
<a style:hover="text-decoration: underline; color: green;">Visit my site</a>
<input type="text" style:disabled:hover="opacity: 0.5;">
  1. Explore! Create multiple inline styles, combine modifiers, and experiment with various pseudo-classes to see how inline pseudo-class styling works.


To build the library and generate the minimized version, run:

npm run build

This creates an optimized dist/inline_pseudo.min.js file.


This library is licensed under the MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).


Welcome contributions! Please create pull requests for any improvements or suggestions.

Remember: Use inline_pseudo responsibly and for experimental purposes only. While it offers an intriguing way to interact with CSS, keep in mind its limitations and potential implications.